Having seen and smelt the flowers on my rose bush now I thought i'd compare how they look to the pictures in the David Austin rose on-line rose catalogue... I don't know about you, but there does seem to be a slight difference. Although, perhaps as the flowers age they will look more like the Austin picture perhaps?? Admittedly my rose's flowers aren't totally open yet, unlike the picture on the Austin site. I do hope that the flowers look a bit more rustic/dishevelled as they open up further as at the moment they're a bit too alarmingly 'pretty pretty' and perfect - I was hoping for a slightly more cottage garden type look, nothing too perfect/formal.
Here's the picture on the David Austin website:
Here's the picture on the David Austin website:
I have found that the roses on my young bushes look different than the roses on my more established bushes. Give it time and lots of organic nutrients and I'm sure it will look as good as the ones in the catalog!
Hi Sheila,
I think that you may be right - coming in from work tonight I noticed that as the roses have opened properly and aged a smidge the flowers now look much more like the ones in the catalogue photograph - or at least a lot less prissy/perfect! Which I'm glad about :o) I gave the bush a good feed last night so hopefully that'll help the other developing flowers to grow well. I look forward to seeing how the roses look as the bush ages - sounds like i'll see some changes. Exciting times! (and unlike my husband might think, i'm NOT being sarcastic!).
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