Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Rose Watch 2009

This is it! The start of Rose Watch 2009 - just how successfully will an old english rose grow in a container?

After spending what must have been half of the winter months pouring over a David Austin rose catalogue I finally ordered a rose variety called 'Harlow Carr'. I planted it up carefully in what I hope will be a large enough pot - that was on the 27th March. It was a bareroot bush so didn't look like much at all at first. However, just over a month on, there are leaves! Which is all very exciting :o) Only time will tell though as to whether it'll flower - and how well. I chose this variety as it is meant to be a strong pink colour, vigorous (so should grow happily in Scotland), can put up with some shade, and will hopefully have a strong scent. Fingers Xed this turns out to be true! I have dreams of walking up the steps breathing in sweet wafts of rose perfume... hopefully they'll become reality.

Here's what the rose looked like not long after it was first planted in March, and then now looking much better with some leaves:


Stephanie said...

Hey the leaves are out. Be patient for the blooms ok :-) Happy gardening Rose!

Flora said...

Stephanie: I know - I have to be patient, but it's so hard when you see the perfect pictures in the plant catalogues. You want your plant to look like that straight away! :o)

Unknown said...

Wow - your steps are transformed. I can't wait to see them when I come and visit in May.

Jackie said...

I hope you get the blooms of your dreams!

Flora said...

Sue: Thanks! Hopefully they'll look as good, if not better when you visit :o)

Flora said...

Jackie: Thanks - I hope so too. Some of my other plants are looking a bit peaky (the lavenders have succumbed to aphids, sigh), so I hope the rose stays healthy.

Jackie said...

Garlic kept the aphids away from my rose last year. (I think) This year the aphids were everywhere and I forgot to plant garlic nearby. Of course, this could all be coincidence :)

Pomona Belvedere said...

I also garden mostly in pots, and I have several roses. The David Austins I have do really well in pots (if I don't let the deer trim them). Sometimes I satisfy my "I want the flowers now" urge by doing a foliar feed that encourages the flowers to come (we hope).

Animated Magic said...

Inspiring and potty all at once.

Flora said...

Jackie: I'll have to see if I can put a pot of an aphid deterring plant next door to the rose to try and protect it. I read that Lavender isn't really meant to be attractive to aphids... so I don't fancy the rose's chances!

Flora said...

Pomona: That's good to hear! Sounds like mine should have a good chance of success. My main worry was that because roses are such hungry feeders that a pot of earth wouldn't be enough to satisfy - but it sounds like that shouldn't be a problem :o)

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said...

Hi from California,
Your front steps look lovely! I've never tried to plant roses in pots, so I'm interested to see how they do. Best of luck with your blooms!

Flora said...

Hi Carolyn in California,
I'm guessing it might be a tad hotter over with you than it is here right now! So far the rose is growing well, putting out lots of healthy new growth... I'm as curious as you are to see whether i'll get (m)any flowers or not though. Watch this space! Happy gardening :o)

Avis said...

How is your rose bush doing? Update please... Cheers!

Flora said...

Thanks for the reminder Avis! I'll pop out and take some photos today :o)